10 Reasons Why You Should Watch Prison School

10 Reasons Why You Should Watch Prison School

prison school vice president

An edgy and raunchy anime, Prison School is not what it seems. This is not your typical ecchi anime.

Here are 10 reasons why you should watch Prison School.

1. Fan Service

prison school vice president

Personally, I'm not a fan of fan service, but for those of you that love it, Prison School is the definition of fan service.

2. This is truly a man's show

prison school hana kiyoshi

If you are a heterosexual male, Prison School is the epitome of a man's dreams and fantasies.

3. Gakuto

prison school gakuto

He is the definition of a true bro. But besides that, Gakuto is the most amusing character in the show. He's the most eccentric character of the cast. His obsession of the 3 Kingdoms is comical to the point that his entire manner of speech is influenced by it. Every time he has a chance to talk by himself, the anime staff humorously plays a Chinese theme.

4. It's outrageous

prison school hana kiyoshi

Truly outrageous. No but really, Prison School presents itself a crazy situation with crazier ones.

5. Comedy

prison school vice president whipping

Unlike other anime that heavily use fan service, Prison School actually utilizes its fan service for the plot and the comedy.

6. Facial Expressions

prison school shower scene

The extreme facial expressions in this show are hilarious.

7. Voice acting

prison school shingo

The energetic voices for the love of tits and asses is great.

8. The girls are crazy

prison school president mari

All the girls are crazy in their own ways. If you want to see men dominated by the female species, this is the anime for you.

9. The chairman

prison school tits or ass chairman and kiyoshi

The way the anime staff perfectly enacts the chairman's eccentric behaviors and speech pattern is.....great!

10. It's actually good

prison school kiyoshi punches shingo

I admit, I had very low expectations for this series because of the amount of fan service, but this anime is very good. It will always keep you laughing and its extremely unpredictable to the point that it seems like you should always just expect the unexpected, and that really is the reason why Prison School is so interesting to watch.

Prison School is definitely worth a watch in its full-HD Blu-Ray goodness. You can actually buy the entire season on Amazon!
Prison School Season 1 Blu-Ray
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